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精品推荐 —— 奇石

发布时间:2023-12-25   来源:网络    

Recommended Boutique -- ORNAMENTAL STONE

*本次藏品 奇石


奇石,又称巧石、异石、雅石、供石、玩石、观赏石等,日本称之为水石,韩国称之为寿石,主要是指自然界赋予的,不事雕琢而具有自然美感的石头。 据成书于战国时代的《尚书·禹贡》载,当时青州岱畎所产“怪石”即被列为贡品。 2000 多年来,奇石观赏和奇石收藏,成为中华民族优秀传统审美观中一道独特的文化风景。 奇石,讲求的是形奇、色美、质优、纹靓、座佳。一石一世界,一石一亘古,天地万物浓缩其中的奇石,是无声的诗、有形的画、无音的曲!石不能言最可人,一块精美的奇石往往令人百看不厌,妙趣横生,爱不释手,神思悠悠! 人们在采石、捡石、藏石、赏石、悟石、玩石、爱石、展石、论石等等整个过程,人石共乐的每个细节,都是石文化的体现。正所谓“石乐人乐以石作乐,石身人身以石修身,石性人性以石养性,石道人道以石悟道”。

ornamental stone, also known as Qishi, Yishi, Yashi, Gongshi, playful stone,  is called Shuishi in Japan and Shoushi in South Korea. It mainly refers to stones that are endowed by nature and have natural beauty without carving. According to the "Yu Gong" in the Book of Documents, which was written during the Warring States period, the "strange stones" produced by Daixi in Qingzhou were listed as tribute at that time. For over 2000 years, the viewing and collection of rare stones have become a unique cultural landscape among the excellent traditional aesthetic views of the Chinese nation. Qishi emphasizes unique shape, beautiful color, excellent quality, beautiful patterns, and excellent seating. One stone, one world, one stone, one eternity. The strange stone that condenses all things in heaven and earth is a silent poem, tangible painting, and silent song! Stone cannot be said to be the most charming. A beautiful and peculiar stone is often irresistible, full of wit, love, and a leisurely mind! Throughout the entire process of quarrying, picking, hiding, appreciating, comprehending, playing with, loving, exhibiting, and discussing stones, every detail of people and stones enjoying each other is a reflection of stone culture. As the saying goes, "stone musicians use stones to make music, stone bodies to cultivate themselves, stone nature nourishes human nature with stones, and stone path humanists use stones to understand the way.".

 *本次藏品 奇石



Recently, our company has collected a rare stone with a collection size of 154 grams. The collection has been exposed to natural weathering and stream water for a long time, so its appearance is full, the weathered paint is smooth and mellow, the weathering patterns are obvious, there are cracks and rust spots, the color is beautiful and heavy, and the stone has good transparency, making it a rare rare rare gem. Qishi is a natural artwork, a fairy of nature, a wonder of nature, and a precious treasure bestowed upon all humanity by nature. It becomes an independent landscape, a natural painting, with one scene, one poem, one stone, one world, depicting people's lives and composing the music of natural beauty. The value of collecting rare stones is not only reflected in their ornamental value, but also in their cultural and economic value, which is difficult to estimate. This is also the key to why ornamental stones are fascinating!


Please contact Sichuan Junzailai Auction Group Co., LTD for information about the above collections.

